The meaning of maturity

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The Meaning of Maturity Maturity has many meanings and to be mature you don’t only need one thing. When you are mature, people see you differently, they see you with more respect and they trust you more. Usually the older you get the more mature you get because of the experiences you’ve had. Although being a mature student does not mean being an old-timer, maturity is not measured by the number of years a person has lived. Instead, the yard-stick of maturity is marked by the qualities of self-denial, determination, and dependability. Self-denial is an important quality that a mature student has. Self-denial is the sacrifice of our own desires or interest. It’s a limitation we put on ourselves. For example if you are on a diet and there is a chocolate that you really want to eat no matter what then you are going to have to deny it and that will be self-denial. A mature student knows what to do and what not to do in order to be successful. They would also have their own strict rules. For example, a mature student would leave his leisure activities and other stuff to one side to study for an exam and to do all the homework. They would already have his schedule planned, depending on the homework and work he has to do for his classes. Another characteristic of a mature student is definitely determination. It is obvious that a mature student has to have a strong determination. They has to face a lot of frustration and a lot of difficulties when doing the work or studying for any upcoming test. For example, if a student goes to school far, he will have to pay the tuition fee, of his apartment rebt and other stuff and that takes even more determination to do. There are some students that get financial aid and that doesn’t pay all the bills they still have to get work so now they have to work and also go to school. A student like that will more likely to wake up in
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