The Matrix - Setting Essay

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“The Matrix” 4: Describe at least one important setting in the text. Explain how this setting helped you to understand one or more important ideas in the text. In the film “The Matrix” directed by the Wachowski Brothers humans have lost all control over their lives as they are dominated by technology. The machines are using humans as a power source to keep themselves operating. The extent of technologies control over mankind is seen in the ‘real world’ setting and is contrasted by the setting of ‘the Matrix’ that humans are lead to believe is real. The lifeless and depressing reality of the real world is reinforced by the visual and oral features such as lighting, sound effects/ music and costume. This important setting of ‘The real world’ is a grim war torn reality and it shows the struggles and efforts that the rebels will go to saving humanity from the power of technology. A production feature used in “The Matrix” is the use of lighting to portray a dead, lifeless and war torn reality. Dark, dim lighting is used to show how baron this world is. It reinforces the fact that ‘humans scorched the sky’ in an effort to control the machines. It is a grim reminder that humans once held power and status in this once lively world, but now they are nothing, a pathetic being. Dark colours are used for back lighting, which gives a dank, unorganised setting of chaos. In contrast to this, the fake world inside ‘the matrix’ that humans are lead to believe is real uses very different lighting techniques. Brilliant, bright light shows cleanliness and organisation. The use of green filtered light is used to give a sense of a fake reality controlled by technology. It shows the constant presence of technology in our lives. This is because the green filtered light is only used inside the computer programme of ‘the matrix’ where technology has a constant grasp on humanity. Where as
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