The Materialism Of Christmas & State Apparatuses:

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The Materialism of Christmas & State Apparatuses: A Deconstructive Reading of Novel Skipping Christmas by John Grisham A PAPER Presented in the Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for Final Exam For 6th semester student By FELICIA TANZIL 1100030521 Bina Nusantara University Jakarta 2010 Abstract Materialism has intrude to every layer of the American society, including Church, Family, and Government instances, which later be called State Apparatuses. It caused a materialistic mindset in the society. This mindset is ensured by the intruded layers and formed a never ending cycle of materialism. The role of these instances is often not realized by the people, because it has been accepted and considered as usual things. In analyzing and reviewing the novel, writer use deconstruction theory to get the indication of State Apparatuses role in the society's mindset. Writer looks for the opposite things, especially the one that has relation with State Apparatuses. Then it is gathered together and formed a conclusion that the State Apparatuses plays a significant role in determining someone's action and mindset. The State Apparatuses works together to ensure the materialistic cycle always exist in the society and in the future society. Chapter I Introduction 1.1 Background of Study Christmas is a celebration of Savior’s born, isn’t it? To answer this question, we should go backward to the early history of Christmas. The word Christmas is derived from “Christe Maesse” which means mass of Christ. ( When Christianity spread to Europe continent, it was adopted and assimilated with many local customs and became permanent Christmas culture. This culture then spread across the sea through colonialism (Gold, Gospel, and Glory). Entering the 19th century, these celebration customs then

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