The Little Prince Assessment

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In the beginning of The Little Prince, the author talks about the astronomer that found his planet. After he discovered The Little Prince's planet her goes to an International Astronautical Congress, but was denied because nobody believed him by his appearance. Later in saying that a dictator came into power and forced the people to dress in European clothing how the astronomer was, and then he was considered equal and they accepted his findings.“This is the first of many amusing shafts of irony directed at the foibles of grown ups by the author” (Maxwell). “If a prisoner says “thats a book” he thinks that the word “book” refers to the very thing he is looking at ”(Plato) this has to do with his clothing and how people look at someone ( in this case the astronomer), and only see an image of an oddly dressed man and think that he is not an astronomer. “he’s only looking at a shadow. the real referent of the word “book” he cannot see” (Plato), but after everyone dressed the same people started seeing him for the astronomer that he was, not just an oddly dressed man, I learned that I shouldn't just follow appearances. Towards the middle of the book The Little Prince travels to a planet inhabited by a drunkard. The Little Prince asked the drunkard what he was doing, and he replied “Drinking”. Later The Little Prince asked him why hes drinking and he replied to forget that he's ashamed of drinking but still continued to drink. Although I also believe that the writer is implying the sin of gluttony and having excessive amounts of things and/or substances people after a certain time become obsessed with wanting things it becomes almost a need that they can't live without. In this chapter the lesson to be learned is to learn from your mistakes and correct them. Todays society people know what's wrong but still decide to do the same mistakes. People then start to
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