The Limits Of My Language Mean The Limits Of My Wo

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The limits of my language mean the limits of my world. Language is a system of signs,gestures and sounds people use to communicate with each other.It plays the most significant role in human lifes as it`s the only one source we are able to use to exchange infromation,what means it gives us an opportunity to understand and be unterstood.From the birth we have been learning a language.The older the child gets the more he will broaden his language knowledge.By the end almost everybody faces with the fact that there`re moments when we cannot express our thoughts with the help of words.That means that there still remains limitations of our language.It`s a very complicated problem because limitations of language mean limitations of our communication with people and the world around us. The first impact of limits of a language on humanity is a boundedness of feelings expression.To my mind if we didn`t have word for specific emotions and feeling in our language,then we wouldn`t be able to experience these emotions and feelings.For example such a well-known word – love.It was included in every dictionary and the explanation sounds - a strong feeling of affection.As somebody says «I love you» we clearly understand the meaning of his words. But what would we do, if there were no word «love»? It would be almost impossible to express your feeling as a lot of them could be said or written. The second consequence on a peoples` mind is a bounded inner world. Language is directly connected with a culture, what means, that people who have low knowledge of language have a low level of culture either. If we don`t know, what does the word subculture mean, we will never belong to any of them, as we do not know they exist. Thirdly, low knowledge of your native language is the barrier for learning a new language. People who don`t know there native language
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