The Life of Rosa Park's

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h Title: The Life of Rosa Parks Author: Cynthia Mercati Level: 20/K ISBN: 978-1-4189-3679-2 Publisher: Rigby Day 1 p. 2-8 Familiar Read: (3 min.) Familiar Writing: (3 min.) Word Building (3 min.) 1. there 2. could could-would-should 3. knew Before Reading: (5-7 min.) • Book Introduction: (include meaning, structure, visual) Rosa Parks was born in Alabama in 1913. She grew up in a town called Montgomery, Alabama. When Rosa was growing up, our country had segregation laws. These unfair laws meant that African American people and Caucasian people were not allowed to use the same drinking fountains or restrooms and they weren’t allowed to attend the same schools. White people treated African Americans unfairly. Rosa Parks tried to change this. We are going to read about how Rosa was treated. • Difficult Words/Vocabulary segregation (p. 2) Caucasions (p. 2) • Suggested Teaching Point: (refer to Behaviors to Notice and Support) Readers think about the characters as they read. As you are reading today, I want you to think about Rosa Parks and how she felt. We’ll talk about your thinking after we read. During Reading: (5-10 min.) *Revisit the teaching point as needed. Prompts to Support readers: Does it match? Does it sound right? Does it make sense? After Reading: (5-7 min.) • Return to Teaching Point What kinds of things were you thinking as you read today? • Comprehension Strategy Focus: connections, questions, inferences, visualizing, summarizing, synthesizing, determining importance Good readers look for things that help them identify big ideas and why the are important. (So far I’ve learned… The author is saying…) • Discuss the Story (Comprehension Questions)

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