The League of Nations Failure

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The League of Nations was a Failure from the Start The League of Nations was an international peace keeping organization, set in 1919 and based in the Covenant. Its four main aims were, to discourage aggression from any nation, to encourage countries to co-operate especially in business and trade, to encourage nations to disarm and to improve the living and working conditions of people in all parts of the world. The League’s home was in Geneva, Switzerland, as it was a neutral country. (Some Historians believe that the League was a failure from the start, while others claim it was not. The aim of this essay is to asses if the League of Nations set in 1919 was a failure from the start or not. In order to do so it will examine in detail the different weaknesses and strength that the League had. [para argumentative]) (The aim of this essay is to analyze the different reasons that show that the League was a failure. In order to do so it will list in detail the different arguments that prove my statement.[para causative]). On the one hand, some historians claim that the League of Nations was a failure from the start. To begin with, it was to closely linked to the Treaty of Versailles, which was regarded by many as unfair. In fact, they thought it was an organization set up for the victorious powers, a “winner’s only club”. Italians and Germans in Czechoslovakia and Poland felt disappointed. Moreover, many of the most important countries were not part of the League while they could be a great support. The USA, for example, decided not to form part of the League as she followed a policy of isolation, after voting Wilson out of office, which meant that the League was deprived of a powerful member whose presence would have been of great psychological and financial benefit. There were other important powers that did not join the League. Such as Germany that joined in
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