The Lady Of Gollerus, Treasure To Those Who Don't Belong

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Michelle Grienauer English 1A 3:45-6pm Nanette Voss Fairy Tale Analysis The Lady of Gollerus, Treasure to Those Who Don’t Belong Life has many lesson, and warnings for the human process of decision making; However, not all of lives lessons have to have a mundane tone. Some of the best of lessons or treasured stories arrive in the form of mystic creatures from unknown lands in the wildest part of childhood fractionation and the fondest parts of childhood imaginations. A tale know as The Lady of Gollerus in the booked titled Great fairy Tales of Ireland proves to be a great treasure to the adult who grew up to fast. More than just a love tale, the Lady of Gollerus may be just the tale for those of lost childhoods or innocence. The most common of these adults are former foster youth and orphans. The story starts with a man named Dick Fitzgerald who lived by the shore of Serwick harbor on a fine summer morning. Dick Fitzgerald was a lonely man in search of a wife, when he came crossed a mermaid or fish woman whom he thought was rare and beautiful. He stolen the only thing that could give him his wish, her diving cap. The diving cap was the only way that sea people could go into the sea. Since the fish mermaid had no way of returning home, she agreed to be his wife. Upon the marriage Dick Fitzgerald heed not the warning of the reverend not to marry the fish bride, but to send her home to her own people. The reverend only agreed to marry the couple not because the Merrow(mermaid or sea person) was a daughter of the fish king, but that she could summon fish to get money from the depths of the ocean floor. The couple lived happily with three children until she found her cap while cleaning and left to visit her sea family. Once the Merrow put her swimming cap on she forget her life completely and returned to the former. She never returned. Crafted

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