The Lack of Honor in Honor Killing

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Kelsey O’Neill Section 1 The Absence of Honor in Honor Killing Before the 20th century, the western world was unaware of the honor killings that occurred in the East. Since the progression of technology in transportation as well as communication, the awareness of honor killings has greatly increased as they have impacted European countries, the United States, and the Middle East. Young women today flee their homes to western countries hoping to escape the retribution of their family members. These women fear deportation more than anything else because they know that if they are forced to return home they will most likely be killed by their own family members. This is reality for many Middle Eastern women today, but the historical roots of this terrible practice run deep in Islamic culture and the Middle East. The violent abuse or murder of women in the Middle East committed in the name of honor was historically rooted in pre-Islamic tribes and the historical roots were grounded in religion, the role of women, and westernization, all of which are reflected in the roots of contemporary conflict and globalization. Today, honor killings still exist for the same reasons, are prevalent in eastern societies and due to globalization, have manifested in western societies as well. Pre-Islamic tribes enforced laws where guardians had the right to punish their wards accordingly, which is one of the historical roots of honor killings today. In the time of pre-Islamic tribes, the practice of punishing wards was for the protection of their family members as well as their reputations, but it has now become more for the protection of their reputations and preservation of their pre-Islamic traditions. “The Biological Roots of Heat-of-Passion Crimes and Honor Killings” stipulates that the right for a husband specifically
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