The Kennewick Man

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The Kennewick Man and the Solutrean Hypothesis The Kennewick Man and the Solutrean Hypothesis played a major role in history. The Kennewick Man was a 9000 year old skeleton which was discovered in Kennewick, Washington. The findings of this skeleton started a big issue between the Indians and scientist. The Solutrean Hypothesis came up from an anthropologist named Dennis Standford. This started from a blade that was found in 1970, which 40 years later this prehistoric slasher has cause a concern about who the first Americans were and when they first got here. The Kennewick Man was discovered by two students in 1996 and was brought to the scientist and Indians attention. Even though the scientist was really willing to study the remains, the Indians believed that the bones were sacred and should not be touched. Even though the scientists were still examining the skeleton they found out that this was the oldest skeleton ever found in North America. They also found a stone spear point in the hip of the skeleton, which made the scientist knew that this was an Indian, well that’s what they thought so then they came across an Armen Menthor which was a religious leader of an Indian tribe. He stated that all human remains of their ancestors remain as sacred period. His tribe along with four other tribes Stated that any man who lived along the Columbia River more than 9,000 years ago had to be their ancestor. Therefore they demanded the right to bury him immediately. But based on Jim Catter’s research he stated that Kennewick Man was not probably an ancestor of the Indians which will mean that the Indians may not have been the first people in North America. This theory itself can cause a huge turnaround in history, if the scientist were able to keep the Kennewick man and do more study. The scientist compared a cast skull of an Indian and a cast skull of Kennewick Man and

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