The Jilting of Granny Weatherall

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The Jilting of Granny Weatherall For my final project I chose to do a prose mash-up essay on The Jilting of Granny Weatherall. The Jilting of Granny is a short story written by Katherine Anne Porter in the 1930’s. The story is about Grandmother who is very ill lying in her bed sick with her daughter, Dr. Harry and grandchildren with her at her bedside She doesn’t not realize the serious of her illness and feels that everyone is just invading her privacy. Early in the Granny Weatherall wondered why her daughter chose to go in the hallway and whisper about her health to the doctor. During her illness Granny Weatherall also sat and thought how much of an embarrassment it would be for anyone to find the letters she had written to both her ex lovers George and John. In the end father Connolly arrives to administer the final rites and she passes away. The story is written in a first person point of view and the stories plot primarily focuses on what happened to Granny Weatherall. For my prose to prose I will tell the story in a third person point of view. I will adapt the character of Cornelia, which is Granny Weatherall’s daughter. By using this character I will attempt to give a fresh perspective of the story. The reader will no longer here only Granny Weatherall’s point of view and will also gain some insight on how maybe Cornelia would have felt. Most of the original plot will be maintained however there will be some slight changes due to the point of view. Myself, and my children were in the room watching my mother lying on the bed ill while Dr. Harry was attending to her. We all stood with uncertainty not knowing if mom was going to be ok. Though we were not sure what was really going on mom was perky and was acting if she was perfectly fine. Lying ill in bed she was still able to show her strength and doubt the doctor by stating, “where were you forty years

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