The Influence of Seed Size Variation on Seed Germination of Mung Bean (Vigna Radiate) and White Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris)

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The Influence of Seed Size Variation on Seed Germination of Mung Bean (Vigna radiate) and White Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) Abstract The present study was undertaken to examine the effect of seed size variation on seed germination. The data revealed that the Mung bean (Vigna radiate) or the small bean germinate in the first day of the set-up but the White bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) takes a day to germinate. The results revealed the formation and the development of the seeds germination. The figure shows the transformation of the seeds every day since it plant. Different size of seeds having different levels of starch and other food storage may be one factor which influences the expression of germination and growth of the plants. Our findings do not support the hypothesis that large seeds germinate faster than small seeds, but rather that small seeds germinate faster. Assessment of treatments in this study showed that seed size had a significant impact on germination percentage. Keywords: Seed size, Starch, Germination. Introduction Seed germination is important to the world because all the people get most of their food from plants. Even people who eat meat are dependent on plants for the animals to eat. Germination, is the sprouting of a seed. When germination begins the seed needs a lot of water. The water makes a chemical change that enables the embryo to store food and energy for growth. The water also causes the embryo to enlarge and split the seed coat. Germinating seeds require a large amount of oxygen because of their high rate of respiration. Respiration is taking in oxygen and giving off carbon dioxide. The radical then emerges and grows forming its first root (Kelli M 1999-2000). Mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) is one of the legumes popularly known in the Philippines as mungo or mung bean in other countries and mainly used as human food. It is one of

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