The Influence of Elizabethan Revenge on Shakespeare

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The Influence of Elizabethan Revenge on Shakespeare William Shakespeare’s revenge tragedy Hamlet is a portrayal of Elizabethan ideologies of revenge through Hamlet’s thoughts. Revenge in the modern sense of the word is different than the Elizabethan usage of revenge. Now revenge means: retaliation for injuries or wrongs. We view revenge as if it is a non-intellectual way of thinking. What I mean by this is that when someone takes what we call revenge they do it to get payback for another person’s fall. Revenge is considered to be many things: wild justice, an act of honor, or an act of passion. It is vengeance that derives from emotion or passion and not from thinking things through. Vengeance and revenge are commonly used interchangeably. What the Elizabethan’s called revenge is more of like what we like to call retribution. Retribution is more of an intellectual type of thinking, it is deserved punishment. During this Renaissance time period having this deserved justice is what was thought to be known as revenge. Justice back then had less to do with honor which is what the modern use of revenge is fueled from, than it had to do with reputation. In other words before people were to take revenge, they would try and think about the situation first to decide whether taking revenge would be just. Retribution lead to another ideology that was adapted during this time period called self-government. Self-government is the idea that when public justice fails it is the power of the people’s time to step in and take action. When the government failed to take action in certain circumstances the people began to have this mentality that they need to step in and take action. These acts of revenge or what we call retribution were done to basically self-govern themselves. If these people did what they considered their civic duty, they would think about the wrongdoings

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