The Importance of the Science of Geology

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The Importance of the Science of Geology The importance of the science of geology to us as a civilization is more important than one may generally think. Before taking this class I never really thought about the earth and what or how it was created, nor did I think about the cycles that happen to ensure that everything is moving at a routine pace. Now I would like to visually paint a small image of some of the examples of just how important the science of geology really is to all. Humankind is reliant on the natural resources that the earth produces every day we wake up, from the water we drink to the energy we use to power our homes, vehicles etc. Just as we rely on these resources our earth relies on cycles that run smoothly to maintain a consistent supply. Think about when you go on vacation, usually one thinks about having a relaxing and fun time with their family and friends, one thinks of a beautiful place. Ideally a place with a beach, imagine the sand, ocean and even the plants or flowers around as well as the shape and formation of the land. That beauty it possess was created through the geologic processes over time, without these natural resources running their cycles imagine what it the earth would look like. Geology also studies how the earth is consistently changing over time, with volcanoes, earthquakes for example, while can be very tragic to life this is how the earth forms and makes changes. With these studies we can understand a little more of what is going on and prepare somewhat before it happens. Without any of these processes and the research that has been done by geologist what would earth really look
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