The Importance of Sex Education in School

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• Sexual Education should be taught in school. • Purpose – to explain the problems and results of our nation’s current lacking sexual education programs and to propose steps that the audience can take to make changes to the trend. Do you still remember your first theory of where babies come from? I was convinced that when a man and woman kissed at the marriage alter a baby would automatically start to grow, and nine months later a baby would pop into the couple’s lives. Maybe some of you heard from someone in grade school that when a man and woman love each other, a stork will bring a baby to their house in the middle of the night. When you tried to ask your parents about it, they ran and hid from you. However, today I argue that teen pregnancy could be significantly decreased with the usage of sexual education programs. Without sexual education programs teenage pregnancy and STDs will be the outcome. These rates can lead to various unfavorable conditions to teenage mothers. A June 20th, 2009 article of The Washington Post estimates the 60% of teenage mothers drop out of school. And this same article states that these women are more likely to live in poverty. Also, the rates of syphilis, Chlamydia, and gonorrhea will increase. One of the biggest issues with the rising STD prevalence is that many causes go undiagnosed. Therefore, a person can have a venereal disease and spread it unknowingly or go untreated, putting other teenagers at risk. With the emergence of sexual education come myths concerning the associated curriculum. Firstly, there are two distinct opposing programs that are used in the United States to teach sexual education. You have “abstinence only” programs are more restrictive, stressing the importance of restraining from any sexual activities outside of marriage. You also have comprehensive sexual education. It explains ways to reduce the

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