The Importance of Mobile Phones to Modern Life

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The importance of mobile phones to everyday life Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing you in response to the article you published in your newspaper on Friday 15th February 2013 concerning the negative impacts of mobile phones on modern society. I am juct writing to inform you of why mobile phones are an essential part of modern day life. People are very attached to their phones because of the many features and facilities that they offers. Mobile used to be exclusively for the rich and elite but now mobiles have filtered down the social ladder and saturated the mass market with popular companies such as Nokia, Samsung and Apple providing constant improved versions of the mobile phones that their company makes. One of the main reasons is the initial reason for the creation of the telelphone: communication. It used to be that you had to be at home or at a local telephone box in order to make a phone call but now we can ‘walk and talk’. They connect us to people all over the world wherever whenever. Mobiles are not only used in urban areas but also in rural areas. Previously rural areas had network problems but due to recent developments network companies have widened their reception range and this facility has provided people living in remote areas with a continuous netrwork. Although admittedly, network coverage in remote areas are still not satisfactory, thus isolating those living there. Mobile phones are not just for worldwide communications. They make staying in touch with family and friends easy. Whether it is to ask your best friend what to wear to a party or to call your daughter telling her to be home on time. Mobile phones also allow you to text and send media messages and more recent ones permit you to access the internet any time anywhere. However owning a mobile phone means that you are expected to be reachable at all times, this may mean that you get
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