The Importance of Learning More Than One Language

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Learning more than one language is very helpful. As we can see in the film “The Terminal”, Viktor Navorski couldn’t communicate with anyone because he only knew his country’s language and the airport didn’t have any interpreter at that moment. If Viktor spoke English, he would understand much faster what was happening in his country and why he had to stay at the airport. So, as no one understood him, anyone could help him. Speaking a foreign language is extremely important in everybody’s life. When you want to travel abroad, speaking another language can help you a lot and it will facilitate your communication with people. You can make foreign friends more easily and when you want to ask for any information, you will be better understood. If you want to go to China, for example, and you don’t know Chinese, at least you should know English because it is the most spoken language around the world. It can also help you getting a job. International businesses prefer to hire people that know more than one language and this may give you an edge when competing for an important position. Even if your potential clientele speaks English, there isn’t a better way to understand their needs and cultural desires than to learn their language. It helps making a great first impression and it shows that you care. In many cultures, attempting to speak their language is viewed as a sign of respect. One of the most important reasons to learn a foreign language is the stimulation it offers to your mind. According to some studies, children enrolled in foreign language courses demonstrate stronger cognitive skills, particularly in the area of creativity. Concluding, I would say that the importance of learning a different language is universal: it will always benefit you in one way or
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