The Importance of Comunication

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To start with, communication is the sharing of information between two or more individuals or groups to reach a common understanding. Therefore, effective communication is so essential for effective functioning in every part of an organization. Moreover, good medical care depends upon effective communication between patients and providers. Also, effective communication between the physician and staff can boost a person’s job satisfaction by making the employee feel he can make a difference when it comes to saving time. It is also very crucial in a hospital or doctor’s office. Being able to choose the proper methods of communication- phone, email, fax or face to face conversation can save everyone a lot of time and money. In addition, communicating in an effective way will prevent confusion. It is best to think about a message before delivering it and anticipate any way it can be misconstrued. In my opinion, the more clear and concise you are the more effective you will be. Furthermore, good doctor and patient communication makes a difference not only in patient satisfactions but in patient outcomes as well. There are more challenges than ever in today’s healthcare environment. Limited appointment times, the ability of patients to do their own research, and the numbers of patients who are undiagnosed or misdiagnosed; these challenges and others make effective communication between patients and their doctors more important than ever. In addition, open- honest communication builds trust and promotes healing. It favorably impacts patient behavior, health outcomes, patient satisfaction, and often reduces the incident of malpractice actions. For physicians, good communication with patients can also increase professional satisfaction, enhance community image, and provide a competitive economic advantage for the medical practice. Increasing demands on physicians in

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