The Impact of Television on Children

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The impact of television on children There is no doubt that television has an impact on all of us, especially on children. In the beginning, there were only three principal broadcast networks; today, there are hundreds of channels available. In time, television came to be accompanied with criticisms and concerns, especially because of its strong impact on children's development. It is relatively simple for parents to provide guidance to young children concerning the amount and type of viewing, but what happens when they get a little older? How does TV impacts a child’s knowledge and behavior? Children and Television How much do children watch television? Well, we are all familiar with the fact that children absorb every type of media that comes within reach, from TV to computers, video games, print media, videotapes, music… Research has confirmed that children watch television about two hours per day. It also suggests that this time spent in front of TV is significantly increasing through childhood, and it peaks at about three and a half hours per day during middle school. Although children are classified as passionate viewers, this isn't completely true. For children, TV is just one of many other activities which is why, in the begging, children only glance at the TV content. Later on, when they start understanding it, their attention grows. Not every type of content occupies their attention with the same intensity. Some of the most attractive TV content for children is informative, signaling content that children are likely to find relevant or entertaining. What do children really understand from all that? For many years, experts held that children really don’t understand much of the program they are watching, at least not in their pre-school years. This was based on the fact that TV program is filled with content which requires
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