The Impact Of Media On Adolescence

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The Impact of Media on Adolescence Research shows, that the time adolescents spent with the different types of media could conspire against other activities that are more productive for teen development, such as reading and time spent on outdoor games. Media, through their scenarios, stereotypes, and role models can have influence on how adolescents develop empathy, handle conflicted situations, and develop their sensitivity to others, and how well they can embrace diversity in our family and peers. Media involves television, computer games, video games, Internet, and music videos and songs. Media is very present in the lives of young children when they become adolescents. The uncontrollable growth of media is an important source of income for American Companies. Companies use strategic marketing methods to reach into the teen’s life. These companies try to recreate and illustrate their feelings and daily activities in order to create a stretch relationship ensuring to sell more image or products. The information that is release thru out these marketing campaigns, are specifically design not only to reach to the youth but also to keep them buying their products until the specific young target is totally moldable to a slogan. Television, is one of the strongest type of media in our society, the average amount of hours that an adolescent spends watching television is approximately seven hours a day. The controversy whether television is beneficial or detrimental to our youth has been a debate that will never end; some research has shown that teenagers who watch violence on television and media can be susceptible to present a more aggressive behavior towards family, friends and society in general. These studies have shown that adolescents can react in a different way to a particular violent illustration in the media, depending on their personal background, such as
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