The Ideal Body Image

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The Ideal Body Image Television, magazines, the internet, store window displays, and even the toys given children seem like perfectly harmless everyday things. What people don’t take into account is the influence these normal things have on the perspective of their body, otherwise known as body image. Each media may seem very different than the other, but they all promote the same ideal body image. The same types of women are hired for television shows as for magazine shoots. While some consumers take these figures as a motivation to become thinner in a healthy manner there is an overwhelmingly large group that takes this to the extreme. The push for women to be skinny is ever apparent in the media, this relevance has a negative impact on both the mental and physical health of consumers. On almost every television channel commercials for miracle diet supplements and fat melting workouts with size zero women as proof of their effectiveness can be seen. When a commercial for alcohol comes on there is sure to be a disclaimer that states that the product should be used responsibly, this isn’t the same for the miracle diet pills and fat melting workouts. They too can be used in excess and can lead to severe health problems. On the silver screen you can see rail thin actresses, that society has come to see as the precipice of true beauty. Society has become so close minded that as a whole it views the characteristics they have as the only ones that can be called beautiful (A Unique Take on Beauty). Seeing these women so often distorts the perspective on what is a normal body type. The truth is not everyone is going to be stick skinny with blonde hair and blue eyes and that is a good thing. Society needs to take the time to celebrate the individual and realize that everyone exemplifies beauty. Television isn’t the only resource to blame for society’s poor body
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