The Hymn of Apollo and Its Effects on the Cosmos

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The Hymn to Apollo and its Effects on the Cosmos In the Homeric hymn to Apollo the fundamental change having taken place within the universe is found within the relationships between gods and men and within the gods themselves. Before the birth of Apollo, man on earth feared the gods and had very little knowledge of when or what would happen to them at any given moment. They were completely subordinate to the gods in every way. They relied on rumour or speculation in dealing with their future place among the gods. The addition of Apollo to the Olympian order bridged this gap between gods and men since Apollo was now the mediator between Zeus and mankind. Apollo uses his attributes of music, archery and prophecy throughout the hymn to strengthen the relationship between gods and mankind as well to secure the order in Olympus. In the poem the gods muse at the human suffering and their defenceless nature. The gods laugh at how the humans cannot defend themselves against growing old or how they cannot avert death. Though they seem to have a perfect life, the gods require humans to express their majesty. The birth of Apollo brings out various conflicts and resolutions in the relationship between the gods and humans and amongst the gods, which affects the order of the universe. This conflict between gods and men is made apparent with the birth of Apollo. This is shown in the poem when Leto has trouble finding a place to give birth to Apollo. Leto who is one of Zeus’ wives is the mother of the great god. “But they trembled greatly and were afraid, and non dared to receive Phoibos, even the more fertile ones, until indeed queenly Leto came to Delos” (HHAp47-49).Several prosperous lands refused Leto based on a rumour that Apollo will be “brutally violent and tyrannical” (Clay 35).Essentially, Leto has to make a deal with Delos; which is a poor island before it

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