The History Of Athens And Sparta

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In Ancient Greece there were two small city states known as Sparta and Athens. Athens was known as a center of wisdom and learning. The people of Athens were interested in arts, music, and intellectual pursuits. Sparta was recognized for its military strength and power. A Spartan's life was to serve for the state then die for the state. Although the two city state of Sparta and Athens were individual as in governmental differences, they both managed to become very powerful powers in Ancient Greece. Athens became a democracy under the rule of Solon in 594 B.C. Solon altered the made unfair laws. Draco made a law that only made murder a death crime. Under the democracy Athens entered a golden age. It becomes a center of wisdom and learning. The Spartans also entered their golden age. They became a great military state. Sparta was established to control the people they had conquered. The Spartans turned people they concord into agricultural slaves. While Athens was becoming a democracy and everyone they enslaved was under democracy, Sparta was enslaving a large amount of people for its own benefit. The forming of Sparta's changed the way the people lived because it was turned into a military state. At the age of seven, all Spartan males entered a military school. During thirteen years of training, the men learned toughness, discipline, endurance of pain, and survival skills. At the age twenty, men entered the military. If he did not become a warrior, he and all his descendants were doomed to enter one of the lesser castes, either the inferiors or the tremblers. While living in the barracks, the soldiers were allowed to take a wife. At thirty years old a Sparta soldier was allowed to live at home. He did not retire until sixty years old. In the Athenian military, a soldier's rank was decided by social or economic status before he entered the army. There were four

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