The Grinding Generation

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“Dance: The Grinding Generation Acceptable or Not” General Introduction Dance is an art that involves the movement of the body, usually rhythmic and to music; and this forms the theme of my communication studies portfolio “Dance: The Grinding Generation, Acceptable or not”. It is therefore the researcher’s purpose to use this theme to reflect on how this “Grinding Generation” has an impact on the lives of teens. In the expository which is the first of the three sections, the researcher presented a speech to her teacher in which she shared on the topics such as the history of dance and its origins, the changes of dance over time (negatively and positively), the problems encountered by grinding and a solution to curb the issue of the Grinding Generation in Guyana. In this section the researcher collected and use two sources, that of primary (a dance teacher) and secondary (an article). For the reflective section, the researcher chose to show in poem genre titled “LOST”. Through this poem it allows her audience to see what dance can do to their lives. In the expository the researcher did researches based on this topic and through this poem she shows all her knowledge and experience through this genre. The researcher is seriously passionate about this theme because she truly wants to know everything that deals with dance so that she and her friends can make the right decision when it comes to dancing. Academically, she has realized that that knowledge of dance helps her to keep up with certain areas in her Theatre Arts classes. As a future contemporary dancer, it is imperative that she always knows about the new styles and techniques. PREFACE For the reflective section the researcher has chosen to compose a poem entitled “LOST”. She has chosen this
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