The Greatness Of Individuals Can Be Decided Only

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When people come across such question : Who can verdict the greatness of individuals , it is those who live after them or those contemporaries, People are easily misled into a dilemma. Because they would mistaken the question as : it is the time that the commenters live in that matters when evaluating the greatness of individuals and thus they are forced to make a choice between the alternatives, which may keep them from unveil the truth. I propose that since the system of our cognition develops in a gradual way, and the system of our knowledge is accumulating bit by bit . If the greatness of individuals could be realized by the temporal knowledge and live up to the available criterion, their greatness could be valued by their contemporaries ;otherwise, a course must be needed to recognize their greatness as the advancement in knowledge and technology. On the one hand, the contribution of individuals could be respected if their contributions could be understood within human beings' cognition system. Any evaluation indeed is based on the agreement of at least a number of people ,most likely experts, in the relevant field ,if is not recognized by the most populace. How could these people criticize on the contributions of the individuals? To what extend that the contribution could be recognized as greatness ? According to our own experiences, when one appraises the contribution of an individual, there must be a criterion that comes from the present system of his or her knowledge .Then after a comparison with the standard , one finally draw an conclusion on the merit of the very thing. If the contribution happens to be qualified as greatness , that is because it counts for the paradigm that represents the greatness in his or her criterion. For instance, as a great writer , Shakespeare has been greatly valued from his period till now, not only in that his works are

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