The Golden Man

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“The Golden Man” is taken place in an era where post nuclear was left. In the story monstrous “freaks” roam around. This creates a government agency, DCA, to get rid of the world’s mutants. In order for them to keep human race alive they have determined themselves to capture the deeves. Two different people can be reading the same exact story and get very different meanings. In this short story by Phillip K. Dick, through the context you can infer that it is a more racist point of view. Racism could be determined in many ways, one being seclusion. “I saw a whole colony around Denver, Denver DCA camp. Any still alive? You kidding, not anymore. I saw it on exhibit.” This quote shows that the government is trying to control them by restraining them in camps. Although, others can say that the government is trying to keep the humans safe. “And if we miss one were finished.” However, they’re still trying to control and kill them. “We’ll get him,” Wisdom muttered, “I’ve had the government declare an emergency. Military and Civil Police will be looking for him.” If they were trying to only keep them humans safe they don’t need to make evolve the military. The way you use words to describe people can be racist. For example, “Get out of here! You’re an animal! A big stupid animal! You can’t even understand what I’m saying- you don’t even have a language. You’re not human.” This obviously would offend anybody or thing. Although, the ladies talk so fine of Chris, “Why, I expected a-a thing. My God, he’s beautiful. Like a golden statue. Like a deity!” Nonetheless, the government feels Chris is going to use women to not get captured. He’ll get by-as long as human women exist to take care of him. And since he can see ahead, in the future, he knows he’s sexually irresistible to human females. The government wants to be the only ones, not wanting the deeves to
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