The Giver Essay

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The Giver Essay Assignment In The Giver, by Lois Lowry, diversity, originality, and creativity are dangerous traits. Sameness is extremely treasured in everything—family structure, eye color, skin color, clothing, bicycles, accomplishments and even the shrubbery. Relative sameness in emotion and experience is forced upon the community. When The Giver and Jonas discuss the sharing of memories with the community, the Giver explains, “but then everyone would be burdened and pained. They don’t want that. And that is the real reason that The Receiver is so vital to them.” (pg. 113) The Elders force sameness to spare the citizens pain and suffering, however this leads to an absence of necessary passions, relationships, and experiences. The Elders purposely remove color from the community to prevent any emotions. Jonas notices Fiona’s red hair and is filled with passion. The Giver does mention that they used to have different skin colors. The Giver explains, “There was a time, actually . . . when flesh was many different colors. That was before we went to Sameness. Today, flesh is all the same.” (pg. 96) Jonas and The Giver’s perception of color symbolizes their insight of the complicated emotions and sensations that other people cannot perceive. They comprehend life differently from the rest of the community. Color raises emotions which lead to variations in feelings. As a result of this change everyone would not be the same; so color must be banished. The removal of color eliminates emotions and sensitivities which give pleasure. Choices are not possible in this controlled community. Jonas makes a precise reflection that identifies the purpose of “sameness” when he states, “If everything’s the same, then there aren’t any choices.” (pg. 97) The individuals in the community are not granted options or freedoms, so they have no need to choose. At the start of
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