The Future Of Modernization

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Modernization has manifested itself in the US Society in many ways. It manifest it self through urbanization, large number of people relocating to urban areas. It has also manifested through the invention on technology, telephones, television, mobile cars and electricity. Tonnies’s theory of Gemeinschaft that lies in the various dimensions of change: growing population, the rise of cities, and increasingly impersonal interaction. Modernization is going to continue in the U.S. Modernization came about though the industrial society. The industrial society was a key element of modernization. During this time goods where shipped to large production farms and manufactures to decrease human labor but increased production. This is turned reduce excess labor. Modernization is replaces human hands with machinery that could produce more efficiently. American society has a hunger for more information on how to make everything quicker, faster and more efficient with less time. As long as the hunger remains modernization will continue. Modernization is a worldwide trend in that there are countries that are at the beginning of becoming modernization. It will continue as long as there exists cultural modernization, economic globalization, and universal connectivity. Since the start of modernization the U.S. has continued to grow. Modernization has allowed us to find causes of sickness and death. It also allowed doctors to gain breakthrough result on cancer and diseases. Modernization has allowed society to gather quick information on hurricanes, flood watch and tournedos. Modernization has saved many lives. Modernity according to Tonnies has turned society inside out. He believes “People are more separated in spite of uniting factor”. People are strangers and trust is hard to come by in a mobile. People put their personal needs ahead of loyalty. Some of the
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