The Future of Flying, Fun or Fear?

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The Future of Flying, Fun or Fear? Flying is the safest and the fastest mean of transport. Travellers usually divide into two groups. Flying is joy for the first group. The second group suffers whenever is in the aircraft. The plane tickets are getting cheaper and more people have possibility to fly. On the other hand the security controls has become very strict, unpleasant and humiliating. The population on the Earth is increasing, there will be more flights but less fun. The kidnapping of two aircrafts on the 11th of September 2001 still remains in people´s minds. People are fascinated by each air crash or complication and these topics are medialized by television. Airline companies will have to fight with high oil prices, with rival low-cost companies and with high requirements their employees. To become a pilot or a stewardess was a dream in the past. They had above-average salaries and opportunity to see the whole world. It was a big advantage during the Era of Communism. Nowadays the magic of this job slowly disappear and these employees who remember better times strike against worse conditions. Nevertheless the employees mostly stay working in the airline because they simply love their job and can not imagine quitting it. Unfortunately the threat of of terrorism is and will be still connected with flying. The names of travellers who will not be admitted aboard are written on the Blacklist. These travellers are potentially dangerous. Cabin and flight crew are protected with the law called Tokyo Convention. They will not be sued for fighting against terrorists, they have to prevent danger in any kind of way. On some flights occur sky marshals, they pretend to be normal travellers but they start to work in case of danger. Their job is to provide safety for passengers and crew. An old airplane for one company in a rich country is still being used in poor
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