Personal Essay: The Fun Year In High School

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The fun days (Almond Young) Third year; juniors; soon-to-be seniors, whatever you may call it. This is the phase in life that we can really call ourselves as grown-ups. Just one more year and we’re off to college. I would not deny that being a junior is hard, but it’s also fun. Some people say that the most fun year in high school is the year three, a fact that I wouldn’t bother to deny either. I met lots of people. Some were alike, some were different. Some were funny, some were geeky. Some were normal, some weren’t. I really think having to transfer schools more often than most students made me learn the different kinds of people surrounding me, surrounding us; what they’re like, what’s their talents, their attitude, the place they grew up, everything. For me, travelling to lots of places is a blessing, because I learned to switch gears really fast. In other words, I can cope up quick. I went to places different to the place I grew up; other country’s culture that didn’t make sense, made sense. I made friends with people who I didn’t even expect to be friends with. I also learned lots of things that I wouldn’t even bother to know. Growing up; that’s what it does to us.…show more content…
Jude class. I can never imagine my junior year without them. At first, they were like strangers trapped in a strange room. For me, everyone is an outsider. I’m in this little bubble that I, myself cannot pop. Talk about switching gears fast. It took me my first two months with them to actually find what I said I was before. I cope, and I happily did. Now, I see us as family, not just some strangers trapped in a strange room like I usually do. Can you imagine a room that is filled with all emotions every single day? It is filled with laughter, anger, love, happiness, sadness and so much

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