The English I Speak

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Yusheng Liu Essay 2 Draft 2 Student ID: 20215917 10/12/11 “How to Tame a Wild Tongue” and “Mother Tongue” Summary and Response The English I speak has a lot of mistakes, it includes grammar mistake,pronunciation mistake, it also has “language mix” mistake. The so called “language mix” mistake means sometimes I mix my first language with English without notice. I came to America when I was sixteen. I have been studying English for more than five years/ It seems that I should have a good English background. Yes, I do have a good background. But the problem was I did not speak English that much during these years. In China, we learnt English on paper, we did not have much opportunities to practice speaking it. Later, I went to a high school in America, I did not always talk to the English speakers either. The most time I speak English was in class. Everyone has to speak English in class, otherwise you will get a lower participation grade. This is similar to the article we had read by Gloria Anazaldua “How to Tame a Wild Tongue.” The author also talked about how her teacher reacted when she was not speaking English in the class. She thought that everyone should be proud of their own language instead of feeling bad for it. Human beings are the most intelligent live on earth, we have our own languages, our signs. Of course, we do not use the same language, but some countries do, even tough they have the same language, like the British and America and Canada, there will be differences. For instance, in Britain, people talk very differently from America and Canada. The English I speak has some Chinese style in it. This can be shown on my pronunciation, my grammar and etc. We always see some people talk jokes about how Cantonese speak English. They think it is funny, but not everyone in China speaks that
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