The Effects Of The Media

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Introduction Even though People feel that media has no affect on people. The media mainly affects the youth because It is affecting the way the children behave and It causes children to act violently. The media is responsible for reaching us through radio, newspapers, magazines, the news, it is very influential. The media influences the way we view ourselves, the way we view our role models, how we behave, and the way we think. We really need to acknowledge and recognize the great overwhelming influence that the media has on society as a whole. We also need to become more knowledgeable of the effects that the media has and how we can work to change that. The media exposure Media exposure effects us all. We tend to spend more time watching ideal images on television, listening to the radio. We are spending more time participating in these activities then we do finding meaningful activities to do with our families and friends. Children spend more time watching television than in any other activity except sleep. Sex, violence, drug use is very common on television nowadays. The media depictions of women has set an unrealistic standard of what a woman should look like. The promote woman that is very thin with no flaws at all. Young girls look at these images and began to get low self esteem because they cannot look like this because it does not exist. Girls start to look for unhealthy ways to be more of what they see being portrayed in the movies, television, videos. Role models are now based on exterior attributes instead of the interior substance.There has been an uprise in women getting surgeries to make themselves look perfect like the women they see portrayed by the media. I did not realize just how real the effects was until a hip-hop star Kanye West mother Donda West, 58 passed away while having cosmetic surgery. I felt how real that was. Like not only
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