The Effects of Sleep Deprivation

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The Effects of Sleep Deprivation Sleep deprivation is an extremely common phenomenon. Its causes are many and varied. Lifestyle choices such as eating an improper diet, consuming too much alcohol, or drinking too many caffeinated beverages may lead to sleep deprivation. A deficit in sleep could be brought on by health issues such as sleep apnea or chronic pain. Certain medications may also cause lack of sleep. Furthermore, working extra hours or an odd shift may interfere with one’s sleep pattern. Apparently, sleep deprivation does not discriminate. People of all ages and from all walks of life must deal with the effects of sleep deprivation. Anyone, from infancy to old age, may be forced to deal with the effects of sleep deprivation. Babies who are not accustomed to a routine sleep schedule are usually irritable, hard to console little people. They often lose the ability to self-soothe. This brings about a vicious cycle of fretful waking and fitful sleeping which leads to more sleep deprivation. At the other end of the age spectrum, elderly individuals often confront problems with health issues or medications that trigger sleep deprivation. For these unfortunate people, sleep deprivation may aggravate existing health conditions or create new problems. Lack of sleep may also produce confusion, distortion of memory, or depression. For aging persons, a sleep deficit may also have physical ramifications. Decreased muscle strength, increased deterioration of vital organs and an intensified reaction to pain are commonly observed in elderly people who do not get sufficient sleep. Sleep deprivation does not recognize social classes, educational backgrounds or career paths. Whether one is rich or poor, lack of sleep can lead to such problems as decreased job performance, increased weight, or amplified relationship troubles. Professionals, working class people, and
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