The Effects of Brand Name Structure on Brand Extension Evaluations and Parent Brand Dilution

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SANJAY SOOD and KEVIN LANE KELLER* Three laboratory experiments explore how alternative brand name structures (i.e., family branded or subbranded) and varying degrees of category similarity (i.e., similar or dissimilar) influence extension evaluations and parent brand dilution. The results indicate that subbranded extensions (e.g., Quencher by Tropicana cola) evoke a slower, more thoughtful subtyping processing strategy than family branded extensions (e.g., Tropicana cola), which evoke a faster, category-based processing strategy. As a result, category similarity affects extension evaluations when the extension is family branded but not when it is subbranded. In addition, dilution effects are only evident when consumers have a negative experience with a similar family branded extension. Subbranding thus offers two key benefits to marketers: It both enhances extension evaluations and protects the parent brand from any unwanted negative feedback. The Effects of Brand Name Structure on Brand Extension Evaluations and Parent Brand Dilution The structure of the name used to launch a brand extension has become an increasingly important topic in academic research. For example, Park, Jun, and Shocker (1996) show that the type of cobrand name significantly influences extension evaluations. Desai and Keller (2002) show that the type of ingredient brand name significantly influences the acceptance of extensions. These studies reveal that the structure of the cobrand name or ingredient brand name can have a significant impact on brand evaluations. In this research, we examine a naming structure known as subbranding, in which new products are introduced by combining the parent brand name with an individual brand name (e.g., Quencher by Tropicana cola). We propose that *Sanjay Sood is Associate Professor of Marketing, Anderson Graduate School of Management, University of

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