The Effect of Customs in India on International Business

2016 Words9 Pages
Running head: THE EFFECT OF CUSTOMS IN INDIA ON INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS 1 Business Customs in India Effect on International Business Robert Layman Columbia College Running head: THE EFFECT OF CUSTOMS IN INDIA ON INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS 2 Introduction It is widely understood by those involved in international business that it is important to understand the customs of the foreign nations you plan to partner with. Customs in other countries have a significant influence on business negotiations, meetings, entertainment events, structuring and management of operations, contracts, etc. In this short paper, the goal is to gain a better understanding of customs in India related to business meetings, attire, etiquette, workweek, business hours, holidays and vacations, decision making styles, gift giving, women in business, handshakes, and business cards. With a better understanding of Indian customs managers can be better prepared to interact and conduct business in India in the most effective way. Hill, in his book “Global Business Today” explains, “One of the biggest dangers confronting a company that goes abroad for the first time is the danger of being ill-informed. International businesses that are ill-informed about the practices of another culture are likely to fail” (Hill, 2011). With adequate research and study, companies can be prepared to succeed in our global endeavors. Running head: THE EFFECT OF CUSTOMS IN INDIA ON INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS 3 Business Meetings Business meetings in India begin with good planning. Meetings should be arranged well in advance (1 – 2 months) and meeting source materials/ agenda should be sent before the meeting. It is a good idea to schedule meetings “late morning or early afternoon” (Kwintessential). Follow-up confirmation of meetings will eliminate wasted time since meetings are frequently preempted.

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