The Disadvantages Of Homeschooling

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Public schooling is more viable than homeschooling because children are taught valuable life lessons. Growing up and going from elementary school to high school, and than going off to college should be something that everyone gets to experience. School is one of those experiences that will always go with you throughout your entire life, no one should miss out on this opportunity. I don’t think that parents should hold their children back from them making amazing friends and having that lifetime of memories. When your children are homeschooled they miss out on some of the most important things that life has to offer, learning some of the most important life lessons, and making those friends that you will have for a lifetime. There is so much time and responsibility that comes with homeschooling, and your children miss out on so much. Children who are homeschooled are held back from expericing life. Although homeschooling provides more attention for children, public schools are better because they allow opportunities for students. When your children are homeschooled I feel that they are more likely to lack social skills. When kids go to public school they are taught how to stand in line, raise your hand before speaking, and how to take turns, while being homeschooled it is just mainly you and your teacher, so they aren’t given the time to learn how to do those things in the proper environment. Students who are homeschooled miss out on all the things that kids in public schools get to do, and have a harder time making friends their own age. As children grow up, they should be allowed to do the things that everyone should experience and I feel that kids who are home schooled don’t have the same opportunities that other kids their age do who attend public schools. Children need time away from the comfort of their home; they need to realize that situations arise when

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