The Differences Between Monopoly and Perfect Competition

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Monopoly and Perfect Competition are two of the primary market structures in economics. Although both structures function with both buyers and sellers there are many differences between the two. Monopolies are industries that are composed of many buyers but only one seller. Because there is only one seller, companies that are in a monopoly have complete market power meaning that they are price makers. New companies are unable to enter an industry with a monopoly due to barriers to entry which inhibits new firms from entering. These barriers to entry include legal issues such as a patent, strategic access to resources as well as economies of scale. A monopoly that arises from economies of scale is considered to be a natural monopoly because it means its economically more sensible to have only one firm in the industry due to high costs associated with it. Perfect Competition industries are ones in which there are many sellers, it’s homogeneous, and perfect information is provided meaning there are no barriers to entry. Because there are no barriers to entry, anyone can enter the industry without having to risk a large amount. Because there is only one company in a monopoly, they are able to set their own price without having to risk losing buyers to a different seller. Perfect Competition industries on the other hand, must take the price that is set by the market thus making them price takers. Companies that are a monopoly function to acquire a positive economic profit and will chose which output to produce by seeing where marginal cost and marginal revenue are equal. Because marginal cost is always below the price set by consumer demand, monopolies will always receive a positive profit. Due to a lack of barriers to entry, new sellers will enter a perfect competition’s market until economic profit equals zero. Because of this, the optimal output for firms in perfect

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