The Debilitating Effects of Tv on Children

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In analyzing Dr. Grohol’s article, “The Debilitating Effects of TV on Children”, the main purpose is to portray the harm that watching television has on children during their childhood and the effects throughout their future. He argues that television is an unhealthy activity by comparing it to cigarette smoking, which is a harmful activity that society continues to whitewash. What is worse is that children are exposed to it as if it were as innocent as playing with their toys. Grohol, J. (2009). Grohol goes on to continue to support his argument by adding that, “TV is not this passive device you sit your children in front of with no ill effects. Decades worth of research have shown the harmful effects of TV on your child’s development.” Grohol, J. (2009). Moreover, he claims that most child psychologists and child development experts urge that a child does not watch any TV whatsoever before the age of 2 or 3. However, an immensely 43% of parents sit their child down in front of the television set as if blind to the effects that it results in. In addition, he provides more research explaining the controversial connection between the “boob tube” and lack of achievement in school. Implying from the article, “Silent that idiot box!” by Jeff Jacoby, in 2007, Researchers at Columbia’s College of Physicians and Surgeons came up with the conclusion that 14-year-olds who on a daily basis watched one or more hours of television “were at elevated risk for poor homework completion, negative attitudes toward school, poor grades, and long-term academic failure.” Along with the ones who watched three or more hours a day where at more risk of “subsequent attention and learning difficulties,’’ and were unlikely to pursue a college career. Jeff Jacoby (2009) Grohol also provides a link from the University of Michigan Health System which informs that children who watch TV are
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