The Death Of Emily Davison

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The death of Emily Davison The suffragists are a group of women in Great Britain who fought for the vote peacefully however many were long gone before women achieved the right to vote. The movement spread to the United States and around the Western world. They use many non-violence tactics to be heard for example: they organized meetings; went on marches with big banners; campaigns; speeches and demonstrations. All these methods were done with no violence. Many men supported their causes. There was a another type of people which were the suffragettes the leader on that group was Emmeline Pankhurst who also wanted the vote but do not believe in the peaceful way they tend to use violence and aggressive methods to get what they wanted like smashing windows; burning buildings and post boxes and planting bombs. However, the Suffragettes hoped that whatever tactics they used, no one would be physically hurt except themselves. My essay is going to be about Emily Davison who was also a suffragette. I am going to write about her life and her time as a suffragette. Emily Davison was born at Blackheath London on the 11th October in 1872. She was a very bright women and she got a herself a place in Holloway collage but sadly had to give up because her mother came ill due to stress however her father died and there was no wage coming into her family her mother could not afford to pay the college fees. Later on in life she became a private teacher and paid for herself to go to London University, graduating with a BA. she was a very smart women. In 1906 Emily joined the WSPU and give up being a teacher to be a full time suffragette. Emily was not shy to violence she has police record for the following offences: 30 March 1909 | One month for obstructing | 30 July 1909 | Two months for obstructing | 4 September 1909 | Two months for throwing stones
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