The Danger of Groupthink

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The Dangers Of Groupthink What is Groupthink? ‡ Groupthink is a type of thought within a deeply cohesive in-group whose members Try to minimize conflict and reach consensus ± Absence of critically testing, analyzing, and evaluating ideas. Depiction of Group Thinking and it s consequences Three sub-cases ‡ I - Process improvement for a mail system ‡ II - Free storage space ‡ III - Investing for brand versus customers ‡ Problem ± Better handling of base s mail for Air force Base ‡ Group (civilians) ± Norm: Experts and will do the best ± Time taken: 1 month, 8 steps process 19 steps ‡ Consequence ± Suffered for a year for 2 weeks delay occurring in new delivery process Question 1 ‡ What are some factors that led to groupthink in the cases described here? ‡ What teams can do to attempt to prevent groupthink from occurring? Answer ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ Isolation from the real situation Group Cohesiveness Democratic (Consensus seeking) Lack of Conflict Idea dropped / Ignored Lack of impartial Leadership Answer ‡ Appoint a devil s advocate ‡ Encourage everyone to be critical ‡ The leader should not state a preference while starting the discussion ‡ Set up independent groups ‡ Divide into subgroups ‡ Discuss what is happening with others outside the group ‡ Invite other into group to bring fresh ideas ‡ Collect anonymous reactions. ‡ Use suggestion box / an online forum. ‡ Problem ±Charging for storage space ‡ Group ±Norm: Charging for space Loose customer base ‡ Individual (investor) ±Must start charging for it to sustain ‡ Consequence ±No change to approach. Filed for bankruptcy Question 2 ‡ How might differences in status among group members contribute to groupthink? E.g. How might lower status members react to group decisions? ‡ Are lower status members more or less likely to be dissenters? ‡ Why might higher-status group members be more effective dissenters?
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