The Crucible as a Dystopia

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The Crucible as a Dystopia In Arthur Miller's The Crucible we are exposed to many examples of what could be considered a dystopian society. For those accused of and convicted for witchcraft, life in Salem was not at all desirable. Their land and belongings would be taken and their families shunned. I can only imagine how horrifying it would be. Though this play is not futuristic and fictional as many other pieces of dystopian literature tend to be, I think it should not be excluded as an example of one. As it is based off of a true moment in history, this play could be considered a warning in the same way a history book could; learning from our past mistakes is one of the most important lessons you could receive from this book. In the present, though it is frowned upon, many people are often extremely prejudiced towards others. Miller, as he was writing about the Salem witch hunts, was also a victim of prejudice due to his admission to aiding communists and possibly being a communist himself. The Communist Hunt and the Salem Witch Trials are alike in that they were both started out of fear and prejudice. Our own societies could even be related to this play. Many have said we could connect these issues with today's fear of terrorism, where many people are blamed of something because of their racial heritage. All things considered, dystopian and utopian concepts are relative to your particular views. In my mind, accusing people of witchcraft because you don't like them would cause the community to become very unfavourable and I'd possibly even go as far as to consider it a dystopian
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