The Cordless Tie

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“The Cordless Tie” Ellen Goodman has written many passages for the Boston Globe Her work has not gone unrecognized, in fact in 1981 she won the Pulitzer Prize for her hard work. Of her many passages “The Cordless Tie That Binds People To Work” is a article that to me, sticks out. Cellular Devices are a fairly new item, but today more and more people have cell phones. Their a great device for communications, and if they have saved people life’s. Like everything in this world too much of a good thing is bad. Before cell phones people went to work then went home. Those days are long gone and when people go home today, every single one of them is a call away from work no matter where they are. Goodman sums up everything about the time we live in with this quote. “Today there are people within reach of a phone every moment of their lives except takeoff, landing, and a long tunnel ride.” Everywhere you look today people have cells phones. People used to have to go to their offices and work. Now and days people are “tied” to their work. “We’ve gone too far. In the world of work, we are increasingly seduced by the notion of how efficient it is to be in constant contact with each other.” Americans are at work an average of nine hours a day. With cell phones Americans are now at work all the time. They are literally at work 24/7. The invention of the cell phones is a great thing. It has its flaws just like everything, these flaws of course are easy to fix. The problem is Americans are bound to their phones. The cell phone companies are relying on us to talk and text all of the time. Americans are addicting to using their cell phones. Personally I think we rely so much on technology that when fails all of us are in for a huge wake up is call. Technology is a wonderful thing, we should just not
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