The Consequences of Global Warming

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The Consequences Of Global Warming One of the biggest problems facing the world today is global warming. Many scientists believe that our production of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases is the major cause of the global warming. All of them have a heating effect on the atmosphere and the consequence of this are painful. Many problems could result from global warming. One of the biggest problem is rising sea level. There is strong evidence shows that global sea level is now rising at an increased rate and will continue to rise during this century. "Sea-levels changed little from AD 0 until 1900, then it began to climb in 20th century." The major causes of this are thermal expansion caused by the warming of the oceans and the loss of land-base ice such as glaciers and polar ice caps all due to increased melting. These two major causes both contact to the global warming, therefore, the global warming is melting our earth, the sea level rising could result in the flooding of low lying coastal areas and cities, such as Egypt, the Japan, and the Netherlands. If the rising continues, some countries might be disappear completely. Another problem caused by global warming is the changes of weather patterns. As we know, at the special time the weather will repeat itself several days in a row at the same place. But because of the global warming, many areas of the world are experiencing increased hurricanes, floods and other unusual weather. Speak about floods, the central Europe was experienced the worst flood that it hasn't seen in at least 70 years. It obviously that global warming is effect the weather. But in fact the effect of the global warming is not just this. The third problem of the global warming is the changes of the biological systems. "With very high confidence, Rosen Zweig concluded that recent warming had strongly affected natural biological
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