The Coca-Cola Company

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Project Communications Plan PROJ-586 December 6, 2013 The Coca-Cola Company 1. Using the Job Characteristics Model, analyze and discuss the work design implications of The Coca-Cola Company’s approach to creating jobs for improved performance. The Coca-Cola Company encourages employees to develop multiple skills and improve the ones they posses by providing training and feedback. The company provides on-line courses relevant to the employee’s jobs and guided assessments. By encouraging employees to expand their skill sets the company is empowering the employees to ad new task and variety to their jobs by actively seeking to learn new skills. Autonomy is given to the employees by providing flexible work schedules and job sharing on those jobs that it’s appropriate. This provides the employee a way to manage a balance between work and personal needs. By giving the employees the opportunity to manage their schedules and make decisions on their schedule the company gets an employee that has sense of responsibility on the outcome of the work he or she does. The Coca-Cola Company uses performance management, providing employees a clear understanding on what their duties are and what is expected of them. In addition to formal evaluations the company encourages open communication between employees and managers. By providing constant feedback the employees understand their role within the company and how they are performing. Allowing employees and managers to adjust their jobs to changing needs ensuring the company is more productive while enhancing the moral of the employees. 2. How can the social information-processing model be applied to understanding The Coca-Cola Company’ s approach to creating jobs for improved performance? The social information-processing model is used by The Coca-Cola Company to create jobs for improved performance by

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