The Challenge of Right and Wrong

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The Challenge of Right and Wrong George Yardenberg WGU Introduction to Ethics & Social Responsibility SOC120 In reading the article, it was interesting that the things being addressed are some of our currant social challenges. The holocaust and Nazi’s to female circumcision to slavery being a currant practice. I did not find the article supportive of a defined definition of right and wrong. The article "Some Moral Minima," by Lenn Goodman did cover the arguments of both sides in an effort to show that the over social point of view could say such actions where of a moral caliber. Therefore, I have to say that I found that there are defining actions that are and can be decisively morally wrong. Looking at some of the issues such as polygamy, I am not entirely convinced that there is a moral or ethical right or wrong. While it can be argued as wrong and that women are then placed in a position of lesser quality of beneath men then yes we could say there is a ethical question. However, the article does not address women who are educated and have made a conscious decision to enter into a polygamist marriage or relationship. Some women for various reason might find that they are happy and that those who practice monogamy as having the ethical or moral dilemma. Placing polygamy in the same ethical question as female circumcision cause a moment of reflection and evaluation as to women’s rights versus women’s choice. A young female who has not yet entered puberty and having their body so violently violated is an ethic debate. While the people of the region or religious faith may argue that it is for her own moral fortitude since it is with out her consent I believe it then becomes a violation of her human rights. So the debate or discussion as to removing her clitoris in order to preserve the moral fiber can not be viewed as
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