The Causes and Effects of Fast Food Consumption on Health

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People’s fascination for eating out and trying new things has given the opportunity for the foreign fast food sectors to be developed in our country. Compared to local restaurants, franchised fast food establishments such as McDonalds, KFC, Pizza Hut, Burger King, Taco Bell, Subway, A&W and many more become people’s prior choice while dining out. Although these foods are slightly more expensive compared to other available local food because of the taxes and service charges and not to mention other potential health-related effects, most people especially dual income families and college and school students seems to be unaware of it. The word fast food can be defined as food items that are quickly served such as fried chicken, hamburgers, pizza and et cetera at franchised restaurants (Futoshi Kobayashi; 2012). Meanwhile, Anand (2011) defines fast food as the sale of food and drinks for immediate consumption either on the premises or in designated eating areas shared with other food service operators, or for consumption elsewhere. The reasons I choose this topic is firstly to investigate the underlying reasons of why people nowadays are so attach to fast food consumption and secondly to find out whether fast food consumption has any effect on people’s physical health. Thirdly, I would like to study whether fast food has any other side effects to people alongside of physical health problems. Besides, if there are any negative effects, I would like to know whether any solution has been found in overcoming the problem. Before proceeding with the effects, I would like to discuss about the reason why fast food becomes people’s prior choice while dining out. Based on a journal entitled “Review of Trends in Fast Food Consumption”, European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences by Aysha Karamat Baig and Munazza Saeed (2012), fast food preference among

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