The Causes and Consequences of the South East Asia Monsoon

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Explain the reasons for the differences in the health around the world. The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines health as a “state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity”. The levels of health vary all around the world due to many reasons. This can include the climate which can affect people’s lifestyles and therefore affect health. It also may be due to the development of a country, LEDCs and MEDCs both play an important role when seeking the differences in health all around the world. The government play a part also; they must choose whether to have a health system which is paid by taxpayers or to have a private health care system. The diets of certain countries also affect the health of the country. Japan for example has a common diet of fish and rice aiding them to be having good heath. Figure 1. Shows the development of countries. Countries in Western Europe, Australia, USA and Canada all are MEDCs; GDP per capita is about $20,000Whereas the majority of Africa is made up of LEDCs, where the GDP per capita is less than $1,000. These statistics of development help to illustrate the reasons why health varies all over the world. The development of a country can be measured in many different ways; infant mortality, life expectancy, birth and death rates and average number of people per doctor are all different measures. An LEDC stands for a “Less Economically Developed Country” and an MEDC stands for a “More Economically Developed Country”. Africa is made of only LEDCs (it can be argued that South Africa is an NIC) and Eastern Europe is mainly all MEDCs. Sudan is found in the East of Africa is clearly an LEDC. According to a stud carried out by “CIA – The World Fact book” its GDP per capita is just $2,200 compared to the UK which is $36,700. Another factor proving the development of a country

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