The Captain America and the American Dream After September 11

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THE CAPTAIN AMERICA AND THE AMERICAN DREAM AFTER SEPTEMBER 11 Rodrigo Aparecido de Araújo Pedroso ABSTRACT This work aims to analyze and discuss how the attacks of September 11, 2001 were represented in the Captain America comics – published between June and December 2002 – written and drawn, respectively, by John Ney Rieber and John Cassaday. These authors redesigned and featured the Captain America as a superhero tasked with a mission that goes beyond defending the American people, because in this new setting he became a sort of “incarnation” of the values of the American Dream. The research focused on the analysis of speech and visual elements present in comics, using as support works of historians who analyze images, and authors of semiotic and analysis of discourse. Also seek to verify how the fictionality in the comic books contributed to establish a reflection about the contemporaneity at same time which makes a bridge with fictional elements of the American past. INTRODUCTION The Captain America it’s a comic book character created in 1941 by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, his stories were deeply connected with the American propaganda and war efforts to defeat the Nazi and Fascist threat. After the World War II the Captain America comics continued to be published, however he passed through the hands of different creative staffs that sought to make modifications or adjustments to keep him updated to a consumer market and conjunctures cultural and political in constant change. We can say that changes by which the character has passed over the twentieth century were, to some extent, attempts to adapt it to new historical contexts and associate it with some important facts related with domestic and foreign policies of the United States, as the Second War and the Cold War. This bring us to beginning of the twenty first century, more precisely in September 11

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