The Box Man Unfinished

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A.) Meaning: The Box Man knew that chosen loneliness eventually loses its sting and claims no victims. Barbara Ascher described in her essay “grandmotherly finger licking” and “grand design” to inform her audience that her assumptions about homeless people are unfound and they may live a dignified life. The meaning for this essay is to imply the fact that loneliness isn’t a vile thing all the time. Ascher compares the chosen lifestyle of The Box Man, to the undesired for loneliness of the victims; although, one may be poor and alone it does not mean that one is unhappy. For example paragraph twelve explains the mayor has offered him help, but yet and still The Box Man pushes his offer away. In paragraph eighteen it describes how The Box Man actually enjoys his dark life. However it is portrayed as if life is a solo journey and more are miserable by going through life accompanied than being a box collector. Ascher brought up memories from her own past, The Box Car Childrean. Those children were, like The Box Man, slowly approaching their loneliness. As For Barbara she had no peers in her life, and spent most of her life dragging on a coffee at the coffee shop, just to be surrounded by people B.) Purpose and Audience: “The Box Man” was written in 1986 by Barbara Lazear Ascher and it took place in Manhattan, NY two-hundred east forty-Fifth Street which is in right front of where she lived. Ascher’s purpose for writing this essay was to help her audience(s) see the difference between chosen and unchosen loneliness. She chosed the Box Man , because he “lives the life of the mind” and showed them the difference between someone who willingly chooses to live their life alone, and the people who find themselves lonely. The Box Man’s acceptance of his loneliness comes from looking within and outward through
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