The Blind Side Hhd

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The Blind Side 1. What was the impact that biological determinants had on “Big Mike’s” health and Development? Consider genetic inheritance (such as body type, sex, and hormones). How does this compare with the biological determinants that SJ inherited? There was quite a big impact that the biological determinates had on Big Mike’s health and development. It was evident that Big Mike was quite a large build making him look over weight but this was due to genetics as they alter a person’s body structure. Genetic impact were also seen when comparing him to his class mates as he was so much larger and taller than them. His hormones play role in his body weight because they are the chemical changes that occur to him during his stage of development affecting his health also. Compared to SJ you can see that Big Mike’s development is very different to the smaller much skinnier SJ. It is also difficult to be able to compare the two as they are both in very different stages of life. I believe SJ will grow up to be a normal build like his father compared to Big Mike who is much larger than most men. 2. What was the impact that behavioural determinants had on “Big Mike’s” health and development? Consider substance use, alcohol use, food intake, developing and maintain friendships, seeking help from professionals. A) At the start of the film: Big Mike was very unfit, unhealthy and in danger of many health issues where he was. His mother was a drug addict making him more prone to following in her footsteps and the neighbourhood he was living in was known to be dangerous. He didn’t have very many relationships with anyone as he was so different; he also wasn’t very good at expressing his feelings even to professionals. B) Has this changed by the end of the film? Explain in detail: By the end of the film SJ had trained Big Mike to a fitness and mental level he probably

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